Led by Tremain Smith, the first women’s gathering was hands-on, including drawing, painting, writing and conversation. We explored inner landscapes using art and writing. Tremain shared her process of engaging with both languages as a means of exploration that offers healing.
“When I paint, I let the process take over, guiding and absorbing me. I take risks by expressing emotion and freedom in mark-making. I love the process of exploration, discovery, and healing that happens through painting.”
Inspired by quotes from poets and artists that invited fearless spontaneity and openness, we created abstract compositions with lines, shapes, and color, and responded to the image with writing. Those who wanted shared their paintings and the accompanying writing with the group. One woman’s comment on the gathering: “Thanks so much for a wonderful afternoon. The whole process was so rewarding, with many insights shared.”
To get information on upcoming women’s gatherings, organized by Hazami Sayed and Lynn Kennedy, follow @womensaphliation on Instagram.